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Adventure, Fitness and Writing Your Own Story

Adventure, Fitness and Writing Your Own Story

We do this hard work in the gym to enable us to pursue adventure OUTSIDE the gym. On your deathbed, you might not care about your max-rep thruster, but you WILL be glad you climbed Kilimanjaro in Africa. And the thrusters helped you do it.

In conversation with a friend this weekend, I mentioned that I hiked Kilimanjaro about a month or so ago. She said, “You must have the most interesting life.” And that’s a great compliment.

Few of us will ever be the smartest of our circles.

Few of us will ever be the best-looking.

Few of us will be the wealthiest.

Few of us will win the CrossFit Games or make it to the NHL.

But ALL of us can be interesting. And fitness creates that opportunity better than anything else.

You don’t need money to run a marathon. You don’t need to be a model to climb Mount Kilimanjaro or a millionaire to sail around the world. But doing ANY of these three would make you more interesting than any millionaire, model or professional athlete. Infinitely so.

You won’t count your money on your deathbed (I think if you have $5 left at the end, you should give it to the nurse and go out broke). You won’t gaze at old pictures of yourself or carry the Stanley Cup into the bright light. But your story, if you have a good one, will survive. So I want you to write a good one.

My goal is to create interesting experiences for you. To create new chapters, or funny little episodes that will make you fold the page forever. Many times, when I see people outside the gym, they’ll say “Hey, remember that time I …” and share a story from my gym. Many people have rewritten their life story at One Shot. This winter, we’re creating some opportunities for you to write new chapters.


1. One Shot Wellness Experience. On January 18, the One Shot Team will be starting up our coveted One Shot Wellness Experience. We will meet with you one on one to see what goals you have, we will measure you, weigh you and take pictures of you. You will have a weekly check in with Coach Court for 6 weeks.

2. EARNED PARTY. On January 18 (that Saturday is a big day in One Shot!!), all our people will be beaming from ear to ear as they SWEAT at 830AM, have a pancake breakfast & are celebrated for the 75, 365, 500, 1000+ classes they have attended since 2014. YES! You read that right….we are going all the way back to your attendance from 2014!!

3. EPIC Marathon. Formerly known as the Cellcom Marathon, we are helping any member prepare for this! We have training plans available that don’t just involve running! Endurance + One Shot workouts will help you succeed! Let us help you create that training plan. Contact us TODAY if you’re looking to up your game!

4. MURPH Prep. We know that our Memorial Day MURPH seems far away but it will approach us quicker than you think! Want to work on 2-3 days of accessory in preparation for that? Shameless plug for summer…. GET YOUR ARMS BUFF in the meantime as well….

There’s a ton of other things that One Shot members are doing this winter to prep for next summer! They’re all awesome.

Having a training goal is valuable to the point of necessity. Having a road map to help you achieve it is critical. But finishing with a great story—that’s really the goal of all of it. And fitness is the platform to get you there.


people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at One Shot Wellness is right for you.
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